Can you believe it is fall?
Where did all the time go?
It has been a busy few weeks here at SIMPLY TAKEN PHOTOGRAPHY BY TAMMILYNN!
We have had weddings and babies and now were going full steam ahead into our "Family Holiday Sessions"!
I can hardly believe it!
A quote I read recently said " Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower in bloom." ~ Albert Camus. When I look outside my window here in Prescott, AZ it is in fact true!
The good thing about this is, it is my most favorite season of all! I LOVE AUTUMN!
As the temperatures cool and the leaves change into their beautiful kaleidoscope of color, it makes a beautiful
backdrop for weddings!
Tonight I am going to share a bit about a wedding . This wedding was a special wedding to me, as it was
the wedding of a sweet friend of mine. I have watched this girl grow since her birth .. I have seen her grow from cute chubby toddler to crazy teen to beautiful young woman. It was such a joy to share with her in the news of
her up coming wedding! It was with even more joy for me, that she asked me to to share that special day
with her as her photographer !
The wedding day finally came. It was time for her to walk down the isle. With her
Father on her arm guiding her,and her Mother standing watching her make her way to be handed
to the man of her dreams, it was hard to photograph as the tears were blurring my view.
All in all it was indeed one of the most beautiful weddings I have photographed!
Now I with great joy I share with you, a sneak peek.

YEAH!!!! Im finally there!!! :) I was waiting (SO patiently to see these since the big day!) So glad I can finally be there with you guys. What a special day I love you so much. Such amazing work and what a BEAUTIFUL bride!!! Congrats guys! Love you